Sunday, May 27

Absolutely Crazy $40 Horror/Cult Mag Thrift Store Score!

Someone dumped a box of awesome off at the Salvation Army!


FUKITOR said...

That's a great score! Some of those are hard to get, especially the Nightmare and The Haunt of Horror.

DrunkethWizerd said...

Man you must be the luckiest SOB on the f'n planet to keep running across scores like this! How do you do it? Who would be stupid enough to let these mags go? My garage sales and flea markets are filled with nothing but homemade pottery and used baby equipment. I never come across anything horror related or cool around this shithole.

Steve Miller said...

"Envious" is too mild a word to describe what I am feeling right now. :)

Jack J said...

Is the the original first The Punisher story? At least my locally released edition used that cover on the very first release. Very cool find (all of it).

Ken Reid said...

Extremely jealous, it took me years (and a lot more than $40) to hunt down most of that lot, a few of them, like that second issue of Nightmare on Elm St and that Nightmare issue I was never able to find at a reasonable price. Nice score.

Real Queen of Horror said...

Wow! That is an awesome pick up! Lucky you!

Doug Brunell said...

That is a great find! I once found close to 200 Executioner novels at one of our local thrift stores. Got it for $5.00.

Anonymous said...

Totally badass you dare tread upon the staircase?

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