Sunday, September 30

Whoever is responsible for this giant debacle deserves to be shitcanned...

But I didn't buy this disc anyway, because I still firmly believe in what I posted here about this whole Twilight Time/Sony LE bullshit...and now this...



Jayson Kennedy said...

...and I don't want to hear from the asshole apologists that I've seen in various forums trying to pass this off as not that big of a deal or this is how the film is supposed look. You're either blind, have NEVER seen the film before it graced to your precious format, or you want to minimize the negativity so you can make a mint flipping your copy or copies online to the unaware. Fuck off to the nearest cliff.

Jayson Kennedy said...

I've also seen the direct captures and there is a clear blue tint to the entire film. Either a horrible, intentional decision was made (apparently without Savini in the loop) or there was an big fuck up somewhere in the chain. No matter what, worst Blu-ray release of 2012. Yes, I'd consider this a worst offense than a DVD upscale thrown onto BD.

This also needs to be another lesson in what happens when someone fucks with genre films in such an atrocious fashion.

Jayson Kennedy said...

Because if we accept this huge of a gaffe as fine, we then accept tyranny as lovers of film and no one has any right to critique a video release of anything ever again no matter how good or bad.

This isn't just some noise reduction smoothing away grain or edge enhancement making everything look "crispy". This is a total destruction of a work that if left unchecked could very well hurt this film and the way it's experienced for years and years to come.

Anonymous said...

That is one of the most inexcusable transfers I have ever seen in my life, and I've seen a lot. Just because it's on BluRay doesn't mean it all has to be tinted BLUE!

Good lord, this is bad!! I'm linking this to my Twitter stat!


Stacia said...

What the fuck?! Did someone decide the entire film was "supposed" to be at night or something? This is outrageous. And I can't believe anyone is claiming this is how the film is supposed to look. There are no excuses for that; NOTLD was on Monstervision, cable channels, VHS and DVD releases for years. It was easily available, we've all seen it, we KNOW it doesn't look like that.

Sony needs to recall and replace, stat.

Ryan W. Featherston said...

This Telemundo airing I saw way back in 2004 looked a lot better than this "Blu-Ray" seems to be. Although unless I missed my mark, McBastard's Mausoleum posted a rather positive review of this Blu-Ray and it seems that theirs didn't have the blue tint at all. Strange.

Stacia said...

Ryan, you might want to check out the comments on McB's review. Those images in the review aren't from the Blu-Ray.

If you really don't think Jayson's clip is enough evidence for you, there's a nice selection in a post on Blu-Ray forum here:

Apparently also the shutter sounds from the camera at the end of the film are missing, so some audio has been messed with, too.

Matthew St. Cyr said...

What in the hell???!????!?! Seriously? I cannot believe this. This would be considered absolute shit on a bootleg market, let alone an official BD release. Glad I saw this because I WAS going to pick up a copy....WAS being the operative word.

Trekkie313 said...

The DP and Sony both approved the transfer, but I suspect that the DP has failing eyesight and just gave advice to some lackey about making the film look more like "night-time". you dare tread upon the staircase?

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