Wednesday, March 14

Only Hollywood (and a plagiarizing author)...

Would take such a weighty scenario as kids killing kids for televised entertainment in a hopelessly grim future (Battle Royale much?), tailor the screen adaption toward a tween girl audience, and see Toys 'R Us advertise the merchandise in their weekly flyer...sign of the Apocalypse?


Jayson Kennedy said...

Also WTF is up with the names "Peeta" and "Katniss", seriously?

DrunkethWizerd said...

So, you're like, totally not going to see Hunger Games? Oh... my... gosh!

Ryan W. Featherston said...

As Professor Farnsworth would say, I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Anthony1138 said...

We're all doomed.

Anonymous said...

Just the fact that the author named her heroine "Katniss" makes me want to punch her in the face. Nobody should be allowed to name anyone Kat (or derivatives thereof) ever again. It's so nakedly manipulative - "Oooh, she's named Kat with a K - she must be so sexy and rebellious!". Pfft. As if.

Ingo-Hellford667 Movie Reviews said...

(pukes)...lets hope a meteor strikes us soon, then all this will stop,lol. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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