Tuesday, September 10

Blogger Service Weirdness Hits the Basement...

Just a quick note on a strange error that keeps popping up with Blogger in both Chrome and Firefox that started yesterday. Whenever I log in and attempt to access any option on Blogger the message seen on the right keeps appearing, and despite clicking to "log in again", the message again pops up over-and-over. This effectively blocks me from editing/updating anything on BoGD when using those two browsers.

Apparently this is an ongoing issue with Google's services that some have encountered on Blogger and even YouTube. I haven't found a fix yet but it seems to be intermittent and temporary for other users experiencing it (so fingers crossed!). Clearing the cache and all temp files in the fully updated browsers and with CCleaner does nothing to help. Not even using a totally different computer corrects the situation and no settings were changed with anything before this problem arose.

Thankfully, and I never thought I'd say this, but Internet Explorer saved the day. Yep, Blogger still functions in IE10, so I'm going to have to use it for BoGD until something hopefully magically changes. If this situation continues with some permanence or spreads to IE (trying Opera later), be sure to please give a "like" to Basement of Ghoulish Decadence on Facebook and/or follow me @ghoulbasement on Twitter. It would be appreciated and I'd like to thank everyone that visits regularly or has chosen to like/follow/friend my ornery ass over the years! Or course, I'll still post here as long as I can and keep you guys updated! Argh!


Jayson Kennedy said...

No luck with Opera (which is Chrome-based, so figures as much)

Matthew St. Cyr said...

I haven't encountered this error yet, but now I'm paranoid about it! Good luck and keep up the good fight!

...do you dare tread upon the staircase?

Basement of Ghoulish Decadence, Basement of Ghoulish Archive, and all original material Copyright © 2009-present by Jayson Kennedy. All rights reserved.