Sunday, March 13

Oasis of the Zombies (L'abîme des morts vivants) (1981) - Filmland Canada VHS

Continuing with the impromptu Franco theme! Filmland's tape isn't particularly hard-to-find, but this clamshell version is.


R.Sterling Carody said...

I enjoyed this film, but I am also a sucker for nazi zombies. That case though is way cooler looking than my DVD.

Alex B. said...

This artwork is great

Anonymous said...

I bought the VHS of this (not the clamshell though) at Woolworth's for $3.00 when I was like 15. It's amazing the random shit that you buy as a kid that comes back into your life many years later. It was probably 10 years later that I actually found out who Jess Franco was. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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