Saturday, March 2

New León Klimovsky Spanish Horror Double Feature DVD from Code Red

Code Red DVD has just released The Vampires' Night Orgy (1974) and Dr. Jekyll and the Werewolf (1972) onto a double feature DVD available for order direct through their website. I don't normally shill for DVD distributors, but since they've lost major distribution awhile ago, Code Red has been marching forward as a true labor of love. They've been struggling to keep titles in-print and even to stay afloat at all. Grab this one and others while you still can (at decent prices), this time their continued existence truly depends on our support.

A group of people are traveling by bus to the town of Bojoni, when the driver has a heart attack and dies. The group of passengers decides to drive to the near village of Tolnio instead to spend the night, and follow to Bojoni on the next morning. They find nobody in the apparently abandoned ghost city, but the next morning, they meet the hospitable dwellers. Unfortunately, their bus has a problem with the engine, and they have to stay in Tolnio a while longer. To their shock and horror, they soon find out that they are trapped in a vampire village, and their fight for survival begins! Directed by Spanish great Leon Klimovsky. Starring Jack Taylor, Helga Line, Dyanik Zurakowska, and José Guardiola. Rated R 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (16x9)

Spanish horror great Paul Naschy returns as El Hombre Lobo for the sixth time as he searches for a cure to his full moon madness by visiting the grandson of the infamous Dr. Jekyll. What ensues next is a lover's triangle, as a savage sadistic Mr. Hyde roams modern London and transforms into a werewolf on the disco floor! One of Naschy’s best! Directed by Leon Klimovsky. Co-starring Jack Taylor and Shirley Corrigan (THE GODFATHER SQUAD) Rated R. 1.66:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (16x9)

Here's a extensive rundown of information and impressions from Bill Knight; Spanish horror aficionado, owner of Midnight Legacy, and current seller of awesome VHS rarities over on eBay:

Code Red DVD running time: 84 minutes 24 seconds / 2.35 Widescreen (16x9)
- English language Fully uncut/un-clothed export version! 
- On-screen title: THE VAMPIRE'S NIGHT ORGY 

In comparison to the Sinister Cinema release: 
Sinister Cinema DVD running time: 81 minutes 12 seconds / 1.66 Widescreen (approx.) 
- English language unclothed export version 
- On-screen title: ORGY OF THE VAMPIRES (video generated) 

Presented at 2.35 widescreen the Code Red DVD contains much more picture information than the Sinister release. The video quality and colors of the Code Red DVD transfer are perfect in my opinion. The film is not overly cleaned up and still retains the scratches and pops. This gives the film the feel and atmosphere of the period when it was shot. This is the uncut/unclothed, English language, export version of the film with all of the nude scenes intact! 

Code Red DVD running time: 88 minutes 9 seconds / 1.66 Widescreen (16x9)
- English language Fully uncut/un-clothed export version! 

In comparison to the Mondo Macabro DVD (PAL release): 
Mondo Macabro DVD running time: 83 minutes 6 seconds (PAL) 1.66 Widescreen (16x9) 
- Spanish language (with optional English subtitles) Clothed Spanish version 

In comparison to the Sinister Cinema release: 
Sinister Cinema DVD running time: 88 minutes 5 seconds 1.33 Full Screen (approx.) 
- English language uncut/un-clothed export version! 

The Code Red DVD is the fully uncut/un-clothed, English language, export version of the film compared to Mondo Macabro's DVD which is the clothed Spanish version of the film which covers the nudity. When compared to the Sinister release, the Code Red DVD is the obvious choice due to the video quality and the proper screen ratio. As for the reasons I have stated above, the Code Red DVD transfer is again perfect in my opinion. A highly recommended release for any fan of Spanish horror films!!!


Deranged said...

I've just tried to order this - apparently not shipping to the UK! Fuck's sake...

DrunkethWizerd said...

I desperately want Vampire's Night Orgy... but, how does it look? Is it anamorphic? Let us know dude.

Jayson Kennedy said...

Yeah, it appears Code Red isn't shipping internationally due to USPS shipping increases, which is bullshit on both counts.

And yep, both films are anamorphic. I just ordered mine yesterday, it appears to be a must have.

Deranged said...

Well, seems that an hour or two after numerous online comments about non-US shipping Code Red have reverted back to international! Duly ordered.

Good to see sense prevail...

DrunkethWizerd said...

You probably already know about the audio and visual issues on the Arrow blu rays of Demons and Demons 2, but I just stumbled upon this website for the first time:

Jayson Kennedy said...

Thanks, yeah, Kentai is entertaining and I agree with him that Arrow Video has no idea what they're doing...sadly. Synapse are releasing Demons, Demons 2, and Tenebre on Blu-ray though, so there's hope!

DrunkethWizerd said...

I'm still thinking of getting the DVD versions of both just for the packaging and stuff though. At least I'll be able to watch the PAL versions on my computer, whereas I don't think I'll ever be able to watch Region B blu rays.

I hope Synapse does something really special for these Demons releases! Hoping for something really cool like a box set. Is a little bust of that Cover Demon popping out of a chick's back too much to ask? ;) Also Tenebrae, fuck yeah.

DrunkethWizerd said...

Oh yeah, and I really hope they finally release the old US Media audio track with the alternate sound effects and dubbing. My VHS of that has gone to shit.

Jayson Kennedy said...

Agreed! Include a demon mask like the Japanese DVD set. I wonder if Don May even knows about the alternate audio on the Media VHS...

Jayson Kennedy said...

Also to those filtering in from a few different news sites and forums, I'm not Bill Knight, but he's a friend and those comparisons and impressions are his own, straight from him. you dare tread upon the staircase?

Basement of Ghoulish Decadence, Basement of Ghoulish Archive, and all original material Copyright © 2009-present by Jayson Kennedy. All rights reserved.