Tuesday, December 22

Video: One Japanese DVD Lot To Rule Them All...

This isn't all of 'em, so I'll post a follow-up video soon just to further prove that I'm an absolute geek...


DrunkethWizerd said...

Cool Jason X find! NEKRomantik boxset! Haha... totally f'n sweet. Oh, and way to show off with the Demons Laserdisc. Shouldn't that thing be framed behind uv resistant glass or something?

Anthony1138 said...

That's an increadible lot of J-DVDs. I've picked up a few over the last couple of years from a Japanese used book/cd/dvd store by my office. I've picked up some J-DVDs for better/uncut transfers, but it's the insanely cool artwork and packaging that make them so tempting. If the discs were cheaper (they go from $10-$25 a pop), I'd have about 50 by now.

KFelon said...

Wow those are pretty sick... I agree with Anthony1138, I'd have a lot more Japanese DVDs if they were not so expensive and in some cases hard to import. Congrats and Merry Christmas!

...do you dare tread upon the staircase?

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