A week ago I received a VHS copy of Burr Jerger's General 
The thing is Jerger's film isn't quite based on the events, but more an amalgamation of those involved condensed into one fictional general by the name of, you guessed it, General Massacre in a boring-as-hell fictional story. The film occurs at the court-martial of Massacre with the officer at the stand over an unnamed mass murder intercut with flashbacks to several weeks earlier with his return home to his daughter. We hear all about Massacre's trite warmongering ideology in his own words while witnessing his fractured psyche while playing out war games in the forest near his home. A real cow and ducks are machine gunned to death (this is why it's banned in several countries), the general rides about on horseback, has visions of his now dead wife running around naked, watches violent newsreels from various wars, and dispenses creepy psychobabble to his daughter and a corporal who tagged along with him.
It's obvious your cinematic aspirations have failed when there's three screens of text preambling your film to explain its overall point. From this text, we find out before frame one this is an anti-war film dealing with serial killers finding a path for their demented obsession through the military and war. That's all well-and-good, but I have to take exception with Jerger's direct finger pointing at U.S. forces while not even referring to the My Lai Massacre by name in his feature. General Massacre essentially tries to make the extreme case for all American generals and servicemen being no better than murderers who get kicks out of sexualized violence without acknowledging the many wartime atrocities committed by other countries throughout history. Of course, Nazi Germany is evoked in Massacre's questioning, but only as another device to show how cracked the man's viewpoint is. "The Nazis were inferior simply because they did not win."
Now, this blog has never been about politics, but let me get on my NASCAR-watchin', Bud-guzzlin', Wal Mart-shoppin' American made soapbox for a minute. If Jerger was still alive today, I'd tell him to go blow it out of his ass. It would have been one thing to fashion a literal re-telling of the My Lai Massacre on film, I can't believe Oliver Stone hasn't yet, but synthesizing the event (and probably others) in this way just reeks of seething hatred towards the United States that stretches far beyond Vietnam. I'm sorry, that's not going to pass.
It's like getting "I told you so!" screamed in your face for an hour and a half by an idiot whose hopelessly wrapped up in his own agenda. That's not from anything this grating crap dished out hitting too close to home; it's from "I'm going to snap this fucking tape in half after it's over." I can't claim to be a history major; but what about the actual My Lai Massacre, the Viet Cong's slaughtering of their own people, Mengele's inhuman Jewish experimentation, or General Ishii's Unit 731 which still brings unspeakable shame to Japan? Real acts and men who impacted the 20th Century in incredibly treacherous ways. Deal in that, Mr. Jerger, not some poorly executed made-up clusterfuck diatribe that seems to have been promptly forgotten about by real history. Think of any war film. Got one? It's vastly superior to General Massacre. Think of any unknown '70s cult flick. Got one? It's vastly superior to General Massacre. Jerger's unknown film and book deserve their existing place in history. Shit man, I'm watching Blood Freak now just to awash myself of this garbage.
Thanks for taking one for the team. This sounds terrible.
Hehe, sorry about going all Dennis Miller there...
Glad I didn't buy this one last week on eBay.
I actually just got this in from Tracker3 and think I burned it to disk. It looked pretty ratty overall and I have put it off but think it is time I get it out and give it a watching after this post. Thanks man. Will get back one day after I watch it and let you know what I thought or will review it myself. Must be exceptionally bad if Blood Freak is purifying you now.
Bill @ The Uranium Cafe
This sounds amazingly terrible. Not sure how I never stumbled across it over the years. It sounds like a poorly made version of what could have been a Lars Von Trier film... American hating prick!
Well, at least Von Trier has style. Haha
I have this thing lying about the place somewhere. Bought it years ago for 2,5 bucks. Still haven't seen it. Now I probably never will...
Ahhh, good old text introductions.. Sounds like a real winner Jay..
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