This is what you'd get if you literally stuck a gun in Andrzej Żuławski's face 
Much like '89's Jason Takes Manhattan and '91's Freddy's Dead, The Revenge of Michael Myers is a real black mark on the franchise. Director Dominique Othenin-Girard is the prevailing issue who, either from lack of interest or talent (both?), constructs a sequel that provokes you to keep watching with jaw agape. Unlike the former entry's helmer Dwlight H. Little, Swiss-born Othenin-Girard introduces a rather European feel to Halloween 5. This would be great, if only the clumsy direction was markedly better. There's times where it's almost as if the director instructed the actors to ignore their marks and loosely inhabit the frame as they deliver their performances. The result is often times a lack of care in the composition of the frame, something dripping all over Carpenter's masterpiece, and too close close-ups that usually look blurry. Little's eye with Halloween 4 is no-frills, but at least there's a confident workmanlike sensibility to his sequel. Othenin-Girard just appears to be barely accomplishing the basics, badly pulling off some mildly interesting camera angles, and utilizing mostly first takes.

The one constant of quality in both Parts 4 and 5 is Danielle Harris. She does a great job as the young Jamie Lloyd. Judging by her performance, it was stupid of Zombie to not just have Harris fill the character of Laurie in his films. Donald Pleasence was spirited in Halloween 4 and despite having better burn make-up in this sequel, it's sad to see him so haggard here, presumably bothered he's in yet another mediocre Halloween sequel. The psychic connection mumbo jumbo between Jaime and Michael had more potential than Othenin-Girard's sloppy touch provides. Instead, what really cheapens Michael Myers is the tall and dark cowboy that points to the unstoppable force being tied to some cult or something. Ugh, a real unfortunate mess this one.
This film was definitely problematic. The thing that annoyed me the most was the two bumbling cops. I couldn't believe the director would stoop so low as to put zany looney tunes-like music whenever they would appear. Danielle Harris was the saving grace of this film for sure.
Danielle Harris is so incredibly underrated it's infuriating. Would love to see some more thoughts on Halloween 4 which I think is a real gem.
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