At least concerning Andrew Divoff's performances in the Wishmaster series?
Divoff is so damn great in Wishmaster that even though he's not an actor to get his own vehicles, he throws Vehicle-flavored Top Ramen (tastes like Charles Bronson) into the proverbial cinematic microwave and instantly owns the feature after two scenes. Even with the cavalcade of recognizable genre luminaries, everyone from Joe Pilato to Pazuzu, you quickly find yourself impatiently awaiting Demerest/Djinn's next appearance. Divoff has this inflicting sardonic smirk paired pockmarked serpentine physiognomy that really sells the Billy Mays of wistful doom quality in the Wishmaster. Come to think of it, the actor might have been one hell of a Patrick Bateman...
So back to the raw deal, it's just a shame Divoff's two Wishmaster turns are cluttered with so much goofy '90s trite claptrap. The films are very widely seen, but perhaps at a different time with better "everything" outside the Djinn, they could have meant something more meaningful than a minor albeit well known footnote in modern horror. Of course, if I wished for this, I'd promptly have my intestines wreathed out of my ass as the Djinn sends me back in time at hyper-speed to alter such history.
Wishmaster: a good reason why Robert Kurtzman should have stayed at KNB.
Wow, it has been such a long time since I saw any of these movies that I don't even remember much about them, and, honestly, forgot all about them until this post. They used to be on quite a bit when I was in high school though and I probably still have them taped on VHS somewhere. I will have to see if I can find them.
I loved Wishmaster and Divoff was so materfully creepy in the films. Agreed, I hate the 180 in the second and the switch to a more cheesedick style of horror (A Nightmare on Elm Street anyone?).
But on the whole, I think the original Wishmaster is underrated.
I saw the original Wishmaster in the cinemas... it was pretty sweet dude.
i enjoy the films, with great attitude and yes they should have kept the lead actor for the whole wishmaster series. alas like everything movies... direct to dvd is not appealing or even the money would not be there to keep 'em happy...
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