Saturday, November 27

One of the most egregious VHS misrepresentations ever...

We all know that pre-stardom work has a way of worming its way back onto shelves after its star, or sometimes supporting actor, strikes it big in Tinseltown. Usually an unrelated giant promotional 8x10 shot of the mega-luminary takes up the cover. Perhaps a new, more appealing title is slapped on the front to boot. The entire box art might even be "re-purposed" to suit the new faceshot and title.

Well, "Magnum Video" took all three updates and cranked until the knob snapped off for this example. "Short Wave" is actually the Nicole Kidman's fourth career hire in her native Australia back in 1983. BMX Bandits is the real title and the film, directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith (Escape 2000, Dead-End Drive In, Night of the Demons 2), was mostly an excuse to capitalize on the totally rad and neon-splashed fad of manual motocross of the day--not Die Hard with walkie-talkies. Too ridiculous not to share!

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