Saturday, December 3

I've finally moved up in the world...of high end stereo 8-track

. I just need to find something other than the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack! 


Jayson Kennedy said...

Today's $2 flea market find!

DrunkethWizerd said...

Sweet. You should get some BOC!

Jayson Kennedy said...

Hahaha, the hunt is on. I'm surprised this thing still works being from the mid '70s. It's built like a tank.

Anonymous said...

A lot of audiophiles use vintage stereo equipment from the 60's and 70's since they sound better than most of today's stuff. Check out

Jenn said...

Did it come with the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack?

Jayson Kennedy said...

Hahaha, nah, it's just the one 8-track I have for player testing. My '70s Panasonic tuners have built-in players as well. Not nearly as nifty as this Pioneer though.

Jayson Kennedy said...

I'm going to eventually try and find some blank tapes and record from CD just for shits and giggles!

Jayson Kennedy said...

I have BOC on CD and vinyl, if that helps the situation! Haha!

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to listen to 'Saturday Night Fever' on nothing else on that thing! Looks like an awesome piece of equipment! you dare tread upon the staircase?

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