Monday, February 1

Well, they told me it was a midget force...

These arrived today, three (already unpacked) Dawn of the Dead action figures hailing from Japan produced by a company called Reds, Inc. The first is dubbed "MOTORCYCLE RIDER", or Tom Savini's Blades. The second is "HATCHET HEAD", or Leonard Lies's head cleaved zombie. The third is "BALD HEAD", or the Monroeville Airport doorway zombie. All three are complete with the only figure having an accessory being Blades. The only figure I'm missing is "STEPHEN", which is of course is David Emege's character. I don't know their exact release year, but I remember seeing these over ten years ago on the 'net and desperately wanting a set. Each usually go for $40 packaged, but I grabbed these three loose for much less. Cheesy looking, especially compared to NECA's figures, but they're impressively detailed for cheap Japanese toys in person.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

i am loving all the zombie attention, toys are fun... statues are a reminder that zombies do exist...

Emme Toaye said...

Such great inspiration with the Zombie ghoul type action figures, hey I have a couple of girls I'd like to introduce them to.

CiNEZiLLA said...

I picked up the Stephen figure at Forbidden Planet in N.Y. back in 2000. They didn't know much about them back then either.

I dig your blogg man!

The Goodkind said...

These were fun, I remember waiting forever for 'em to show up at the store where I worked. I'll admit I was disapointed by their almost comically distorted features. I finally gave them away to my good buddy this year for his birthday. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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