Is it just me or does this fresh still from the rightfully auto-aborted American cash-in on Tomas Alfredson's Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) indicate an instant watering down of one of the original's revelations? I assume this red herring of the asexuality of the "female" character will be played up much more so the Twilight legion won't be flustered over actually having to think for themselves or are sent uncontrollably crying from their seats when the twist doesn't conform to the idyllically offensive horseshit between Bella and Edward. I'm not meaning to give any creditability to "Let Me In" in saying that; just a charge for twi-teens and their frumpy moms to perhaps learn to read subtitles instead of the buttons on Stephenie Meyer's cash register.

While I don't think it will touch the original, I can't judge the movie based on a picture.
And you can go to hell, you anti-kneejerkOMGWTFreaction-tite!
Nah, I'm just saying that "Eli" or "Abby" definitely looks more like a boy. Also, why does she have a hoodie on? She's not supposed to get cold like we do...
Don't know why she's got a hoodie on... don't like em, but I'm glad that HitGirl is playing the role.
"Nah, I'm just saying that "Eli" or "Abby" definitely looks more like a boy. Also, why does she have a hoodie on? She's not supposed to get cold like we do... "
I definitely agree with you. She should be in short sleeves for sure.
*Minor spoilers*
I'm *really* curious if they bother doing *that* scene in the movie when it comes to showing her sexuality. I just don't see them being able to get away with that in the States, and it's a pretty important/powerful scene.
Have you read the book? I have it floating around, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Heard it's pretty damn good, too.
I think we should keep an open opinion on this version. It might even take us by surprise. In fact, the original wasn't really that great (I think it simply entered the greatest horror movie lists simply because it was the anti-Twilight, had it opened at any other time then it would have been totally forgotten).
Also, Hammer (the film's producers/co-financers) promised that the remake would be as faithful the original source materials as possible so expect an R rating (Overture has been good with preventing genre titles from going down to a PG-13, see Law Abiding Citizen and The Crazies) and no similarities to Twilight.
Let the Right One In is a great film, regardless of Twilight, True Blood or Vampire Diaries. Yes, some people may label it "the anti-Twilight", but just about any other non-romantic vampire film can be labeled the same way.
Because it happened to be released here around the same time as Twilight, doesn't make it a reactionary film and it's not fair to consider it one if it wasn't the director's intention. Hell, Let Me In (the novel) was published a year before Twilight, and in another country! Maybe Twilight is the anti-Let The Right One In...
Yeah, I've got to disagree with Buscemi too. If LTROI was just a superficial movie that twisted the Twilight tropes, that might be the case. But it's anything but superficial. Perfectly crafted, thought provoking, deeply moving, it exists in an entirely different artistic universe to all that romantic american vampire puke. And this remake will suck. Chloe Moretz is way too cute for one thing.
"Maybe Twilight is the anti-Let The Right One In..." I like that. For the most part in the history of vampire stories, they've set out to be mostly horrific with sometimes only a touch of romance... so indeed Twilight would be the anti-vampire series. Though it's suppose to get a bit more violent in the next two instalments. Hopefully.
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