Wednesday, November 25

Video: VHS Clamshell Collection, Pt.1

BoGD jumps into the YouTube age! Much thanks to Starmummy over at B Movies and Beyond for the inspiration!


Zach S. said...

daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that alot of awesome. please tell me you hold screenings where you charge people $10 to watch them, cause I'm totally there. Seriously, there needs to be a friendly film fest to unearth these forgotten gems.

what's that t-shirt you're wearing?

Jayson Kennedy said...


No screenings unfortunately. That's a super old and washed-to-death Rob Zombie t-shirt that features many holes from its age. Basically only an "at-home" shirt nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that was awesome. Thank you so much for doing that. I know it's not easy but I hope you put up some more.

Matt-suzaka said...

IRONMASTER!!!! Lenzi gold!

Awesome collection...drool worthy indeed. I dug the video too! you dare tread upon the staircase?

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