I found zip at the swap meet this past weekend, but this is a nice consolation prize. The Japanese JVD DVD of Fulci's Zombie and Pioneer DVD of Michele Soavi's The Sect (La Setta / The Devil's Daughter / "Demons 4") arrived today in like new condition for a grand total of $19. It certainly pays to dig around Amazon's Marketplace every once in a while. Both presentations are non-anamorphic letterboxed but uncut and in English. I'm unsure about The Sect's disc release status, but I know JVD's Zombie has been out-of-print for quite some time. I have a bunch of other DVD editions of Fulci's tribal undead island excursion and the Italian disc of The Sect, so I'll eventually do image quality comparisons between them.

Love both films.
You can't go wrong with any version of Zombie...
Wow look forward to your comparisons.
The Sect, the only Michel Soavi film I havent seen! Great buy!
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