Saturday, March 6

Five, six, grab your spiral notebook

Found this for three bucks this morning, from 1989 with unmarked pages. What's with kids today, huh?


Scare Sarah said...

Ooh, don't leave your bedroom window open or "someone" "might" sneak in and steal it!

William Malmborg said...

Oh wow, that is pretty cool. Now that I'm taking college classes again I should get a notebook like that.

Anthony1138 said...

I wish I had a Freddy notebook when I was in grade school.

Copyboy said...

I so wish they had that when I was in school. All i had was the Smurfs.

Jayson Kennedy said...

I can still remember literally crying when my uncle surprised with with a giant poster of Freddy when I was 7 or 8. I demanded it taken down from my bedroom wall. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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