Well, in terms of collector's value, haha.It's still collectible, but I remember how super highly prized it was before the DVD releases.
Yeah, I remember my friend's father collected horror VHS back in the day and that was one of his most sought after tapes.
Absolutely! I tried in vain in the early '90s to get this video store to sell me their copy. I had cash on me and everything, waving it around like I was a bigshot :D
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Well, in terms of collector's value, haha.
It's still collectible, but I remember how super highly prized it was before the DVD releases.
Yeah, I remember my friend's father collected horror VHS back in the day and that was one of his most sought after tapes.
Absolutely! I tried in vain in the early '90s to get this video store to sell me their copy. I had cash on me and everything, waving it around like I was a bigshot :D
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