Wednesday, March 17

Who says Hot Topic never has anything cool?



KFelon said...

Wow that looks pretty slick. Why is this the first time I am hearing about this on the internet?

DrunkethWizerd said...

Cool, and it's bloody too!

Jayson Kennedy said...

Saw it for the first time myself over the weekend, it was buried in the back of their vinyl. I'm a sucker for clear, color, dyed, or shaped vinyl...or a combination. :)

Jenn said...

I get all sorts of cool stuff at Hot Topic. Mostly jewelry and other assorted crap. And I'm not shameful about it! I flaunt my Hot Topic love!

Anonymous said...

I dig through their clearance stuff (especially vinyl) and occasionally find something worthwhile. The rest of the store can go to hell. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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