Tuesday, June 1

Remember when...

You can almost hear the population of Burkittsville getting pissed...


Rick "The Hat" Bman said...

i remember when... that movie scared the piss out of me.

Will Errickson said...

Me too. Haven't seen it since '99!

Matt-suzaka said...

It's crazy looking back and seeing what a phenomena the film became. I remember seeing Mike Williams on some major late night talk show, and he quite his job on air. Haven't seen him since.

Aylmer said...

I stayed away from the theatre at the time, because the hype killed it for me. Ended up watching it at home a year or so later, on my own in the middle of the night. It thoroughly creeped me out.

Buscemi said...

Watched this one with my sister when it first came to video (I was nine at the time so watching R-rated movies was a once in a while thing). We both hated it.

...do you dare tread upon the staircase?

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