Friday, June 24

Hey! I've seen that artwork before!

It's always cool when two interests unexpectedly intersect. Like at one time with tapes, I don't particularly "dig" for vinyl at swap meets. I'll look if something out-in-the-open happens to catch my eye but rarely do I ever hunker down and flip through a box of LPs. This was the case last weekend, when this beauty was the first one in a carton stuffed with metal albums.

I had never heard of this group or album before, so what made me pause from across the aisle? The art on the cover was also used by Prism Entertainment for their Visions of Evil (So Sad About Gloria) (1973) VHS/Beta clamshell seen here. I haven't seen the film nor do I own Prism's tape (yet), but this was rather nifty to come across. I actually thought it was a LaserDisc at first...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Six Feet Under did the same thing with Haunted. I forget the movie title, but it's the exact movie cover. I think it's called The Haunting of (something something). you dare tread upon the staircase?

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