Thursday, June 16

Why Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet is everything wrong with modern slashers...

So Blood Night took awhile to get distribution in the States...I think I can peg why...


Jayson Kennedy said...

And before anyone freaks out about the "token black" thing, it's not that African Americans shouldn't be in slashers, it's just that this waste continues the prevailing trend of throwing a token example in with the group of friends that doesn't do anything than add to the body count. Another cliche for the heap.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for saving me $5. Almost rented this on VOD.

Jayson Kennedy said...

It's tough to say how a person will react. It's not unwatchable, just so freakin' much of what we've already seen before done better elsewhere that it seems like a waste of 90 minutes. Although even as something completely unoriginal, it's still not very entertaining.

I seriously couldn't stand all the flashy editing. It's like instead of really honing the story, scares, and the characters; it uses all this bullshit sizzle cutting to try and cover up how cheap and boring everything is.

Jayson Kennedy said...

And honestly, it seems like Harris and Moseley only signed on because they get a "dramatic" monologue each.

The Bloody Pit of Horror said...

Well... you managed to cover most of the reasons why I decided to limit my blog to the years 1950-1990! Even many of the bad movies from the time period I'm covering have their own charm. Today the selection seems endless but the gems are few and far between. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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