Wednesday, October 7

Perhaps Stores Underestimated Trick 'r Treat...

I nearly bought Trick 'r Treat yesterday, but my local Wal Mart didn't have the Blu-ray edition which I preferred before I saw these lackluster screen captures over at AVS. So I went back after work today for the $15 DVD and they were sold out. Sears and F.Y.E. had nothing. Two Best Buys were sold out of the DVD edition (also $15) and had just one copy each of the Blu-ray ($30!?!). Target also didn't have it. Finally I went to another Wal Mart which had four DVD copies, but still no Blu-ray copies. So I grabbed these three for Best Buy's price for the Trick... Blu-ray.

Expect some thoughts on Trick 'r Treat tomorrow. Aside from the positive reviews (which I haven't read a single word of), I honestly only know it's an anthology with Anna Paquin and Brian Cox. So I'll be going in completely fresh and unbiased. Wrong Turn 2: Dead End and Grace were grabbed because of recommendations from Johnny over at Freddy in Space. They better be good, dammit! Just kidding...


Unknown said...

i am friggin' in for all three, please give up your thoughts... my wife wants a review of trick'r treat...

Mister Bones said...

I struck out everywhere in town where I live too, had to order it online, though I was lucky enough to see it through a friend, and loved every single second of it.

Johnny said...

I suspect you will love (or at least like) Wrong Turn 2 and Grace! Can't wait to read your thoughts.

the jaded viewer said...

I went to 2 Best Buys and they were sold out. Who are these people buying Trick R Treat??!??!!

Anthony1138 said...

I was lucky enough to see Trick 'r Treat last October at a free screening with Dylan Baker and Michael Dougherty in attendance and speaking about the film. I posted about it over at Film-Talk last year, so I won't comment here. But, I'm really looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.

I'm also curious about Grace.

Anonymous said...

Trick 'r Treat was awesome. Definitely going to become a movie I watch every October going forward. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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