
Halloween isn't just an awesome time for everything horror; it's also a fantastic time to shuffle around at swap meets and yard sales. Often this time of the year makes people dig out their old horror flicks and old 'ween junk to sell so you always see an increase in awesome horror-themed material goods. This weekend exhibited this; some sellers I'd never guess would have horror flicks turned out to have quite a few. Annoyingly one guy had a whole Rubbermaid tote full of horror DVDs but every one I checked looked ran through gravel and then molested by McDonald's french fry hands.
I know it's rather quiet on the tape front here at BoGD, but I did manage some goodies today. Many of these are from a fellow horror fiend who occasionally sets up at my local swap meet. He brought in the superfluous titles after a big score he happened upon. Insanely enough, he said the seller had many more, but sat most out for trash pick-up. What?!? He also hooked me up with a great price on August Underground's Penance saying that he couldn't get past fifteen minutes in. Doubt I'll last any longer, but I have Mordum so might as well try and complete the trilogy someday.

House of 1000 Dolls - color me green with envy! Any day that one can acquire eight Vincent Price movies has just gotta go down as a great day...may they all track perfectly!
cool page man! i'll let you know when i'll be in town next! on my way out of the swap meet i found a nice copy of "just before dawn" on vhs, over by the dude that sells model trains. good luck with penance!!!
Cool, I have your email addy around here somewhere and was going to shoot you an email just in case...but you obviously found the blog.
I've been looking for the JBD tape, from Paragon, right? Shriek Show's DVD is actually cut by several minutes compared to the tape so you're lucky!
Also I'd definitely appreciate a heads up on when you'll be there next, so thanks! Bookmark this page, I'm always lurking about...
Wow, another amazing haul. Makes me wish I collected VHS.
Wow..Your copy of KILL AND KILL AGAIN has much more detailed artwork than mine even though they're both Media Home Entertainment releases...interesting. And my copy of SLITHIS has the same cover art but in a small frame centered on the box. WHYYYY??
nice! house of 7 corpses & savage weekend...love that grim reaper cover..
Lair of the White Worm = <3.
Since you collect vhs tapes, I have a little mini-list going of titles i've been searching for..I was wondering if you've seen any of them.
The Haunting Of Julia
Gore In Venice
Auntie Lee's Meat Pies
The Maddening
Steel and Lace
Death Warmed Up
The Rejuvenator
Demented (1980)
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