Sunday, September 18

Video: Swap Meet VHS Haul



Jayson Kennedy said...

Pardon the hat, my hair was being unruly...

Anonymous said...

Boy that was an awesome buy, great titles and great VHS's, love it. classic style,

DrunkethWizerd said...

It's not the hat that I'm worried about, it's the open crotch shot.

Jayson Kennedy said...

Hahaha! I used YT's new "Edit" to remove the beginning because of that!

DrunkethWizerd said...

Have you seen the sequel to Patrick... "Lives Again"? It's raunchy as hell. I loved it. Good luck with your next treasure hunt though, I hope you find something rare that you've been wanting.

robotGEEK said...

Sweet buys! Man, you seem to have the best luck in finding this stuff. I'm still in shock over your one sheet finds of Hands of Steel and From Beyond. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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