Monday, October 19

House by the Cemetery, The Christian Re-edit

Found this scrap of "huh?" while browsing Amazon yesterday (listing here). It's a Pope-approved re-edit of questionable legality of Lucio Fulci's sublime House by the Cemetery running at fifty-three minutes on DVD-R. It's also available on Amazon as a $1.99 VOD, but that's okay. Confoundedly, this...well, whatever this is has a short teaser on YouTube.

"The World First Christian Monster/Horror film, How does a man of God face a monster, get this DVD and Find out, and you wont believe the suprise ending. This film is not intended for children. This film originaly directed by Lucio Fulci, is the old 80's Italian shocker made Christian, and re-edited by producer Jeff Teck. Watch as DR Froydstien comes with a demonic mission to steel peoples cells in an attempt to live forever."

So Dr. Freudstein now has the ability to turn human cells into steel? Damn, that's worse than his panache for bodily mutilation! Heh. Your guess is as good as mine...


Anthony1138 said...

This is one of the oddest things I've seen in a while. It's a little sad that isn't up anymore, if it ever even was. I really wanted to see this guy's other "work".

Pax Romano said...

Does this mean that Rob Zombie can re-edit The Passion of the Christ?

Imagine that!

J. Astro said...

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about when I go off on my hissy-fits. I can't even simply post a picture of DOTS candy without getting reprimanded, but some fucking money-grubbing Jesus-sheep can totally mangle and misappropriate another artist's copyrighted work without consent? Blargh!

Drunketh said...

What the HELL!? you dare tread upon the staircase?

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