Tuesday, March 24

No Chimps Were Harmed During Filming...

Gorgon Video's original clamshell VHS of Faces of Death arrived today. Not a big fan, but it was cheap and in mint condition, so it had to be done.


Jenn said...

i've got this one too! i had always wanted a copy because it brings back such good memories. when i worked at the video store back in the day, the freakin faces of death vids were kept in the XXX room. in my sixteen year old mind, that made them so much more taboo somehow. ah, memories.

Jayson Kennedy said...

Now I'm jealous, I wasn't quite old enough to find legal employment at a cool video store like yourself before Blockbuster destroyed the era. :(

Anonymous said...

I wasn't old enough either. I was only about 7 around the time of the video nasties hysteria, but I really would loved to have worked in a video shop. I missed out and ended up in the Blockbusters era! That sucked!!!

...do you dare tread upon the staircase?

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