If you don't like Coffin Joe, leave this blog forever. I'm serious. No, not the 12-year-old emo asshole from The Horrors, I'm talking about the undisputed king of South American horror, Zé do Caixão. For my and the benefit of others, I've complied a list of DVD and VHS releases of his works. The list isn't definitive, and I'll be updating it as I find more releases, but I hope it gives fans a pointer at where to start the hunt. So after the jump, check out Coffin Joe's horrifying, chilling, and wonderful videography!
José Mojica Marins - Director/Co-Director
Reino Sangrento (1952)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (NO English-subtitles)
À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma (1964)
... aka At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (USA)
- DVD: U.S. Fantoma (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Esta Noite Encarnarei no Teu Cadáver (1967)
... aka This Night I Will Possess Your Corpse
- DVD: U.S. Fantoma (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video VHS (English-subbed)
Trilogia de Terror (1968) (segment "Pesadelo Macabro / Macabre Nightmare")
... aka Trilogy of Terror
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (NO English-subtitles)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed, see "One-Shots")
O Estranho Mundo de Zé do Caixão (1968)
... aka Strange World of Coffin Joe
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
O Ritual dos Sádicos (1970)
... aka Awakening of the Beast
- DVD: U.S. Fantoma (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- DVD: U.K. Mondo Macabro (English-subbed)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Finis Hominis (1971)
... aka The End of Man
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Quando os Deuses Adormecem (1972)
... aka When the Gods Fall Asleep
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
O Exorcismo Negro (1974)
... aka Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
A Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres (1976)
... aka The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Inferno Carnal (1977)
... aka Hellish Flesh
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Delírios de um Anormal (1978)
... aka Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Encarnação do Demônio (2008)
... aka Embodiment of Evil
- DVD: Brazil 20th Century Fox (English-subbed, according to one source)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- Blu-ray: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (NO English-subtitles)
À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma (1964)
... aka At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (USA)
- DVD: U.S. Fantoma (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Esta Noite Encarnarei no Teu Cadáver (1967)
... aka This Night I Will Possess Your Corpse
- DVD: U.S. Fantoma (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video VHS (English-subbed)
Trilogia de Terror (1968) (segment "Pesadelo Macabro / Macabre Nightmare")
... aka Trilogy of Terror
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (NO English-subtitles)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed, see "One-Shots")
O Estranho Mundo de Zé do Caixão (1968)
... aka Strange World of Coffin Joe
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
O Ritual dos Sádicos (1970)
... aka Awakening of the Beast
- DVD: U.S. Fantoma (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- DVD: U.K. Mondo Macabro (English-subbed)
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Finis Hominis (1971)
... aka The End of Man
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Quando os Deuses Adormecem (1972)
... aka When the Gods Fall Asleep
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
O Exorcismo Negro (1974)
... aka Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
A Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres (1976)
... aka The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Inferno Carnal (1977)
... aka Hellish Flesh
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Delírios de um Anormal (1978)
... aka Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind
- DVD: Brazil Cinemagia (English-subbed)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Encarnação do Demônio (2008)
... aka Embodiment of Evil
- DVD: Brazil 20th Century Fox (English-subbed, according to one source)
- DVD: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
- Blu-ray: U.K. Anchor Bay (English-subbed, coming 07/06/2009)
Unsubbed Segments From Larger Works on Brazilian DVD
A Sina do Aventureiro (Adventurer's Fate) (1958)
Meu Destino em Suas Mãos (My Destiny is in Your Hands) (1963)
Estupro (Perversion) (1979)
24 Horas de Sexo Explicito (24 Hours of Explicit Sex) (1985)
48 Horas de Sexo Alucinante (48 Hours of Hallucinating Sex) (1987)
Estupro (Perversion) (1979)
24 Horas de Sexo Explicito (24 Hours of Explicit Sex) (1985)
48 Horas de Sexo Alucinante (48 Hours of Hallucinating Sex) (1987)
First two on Cinemagia's At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul DVD
Last three on Cinemagia's Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind DVD
Last three on Cinemagia's Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind DVD
Unsubbed Documentaries on Brazilian DVD
O Universo de Mojica Marins (1978) (Cinemagia's This Night I Will Possess Your Corpse)
Horror Palace Hotel ou o Genio Total (1978) (Cinemagia's Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind)
Demônios e Maravilhas (1987) (Cinemagia's The End of Man)
... aka Demons and Wonders
Horror Palace Hotel ou o Genio Total (1978) (Cinemagia's Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind)
Demônios e Maravilhas (1987) (Cinemagia's The End of Man)
... aka Demons and Wonders
Coffin Joe's Visions of Terror (1994)
... aka Visions of Terror
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
... aka Visions of Terror
- VHS: U.S. Something Weird Video (English-subbed)
Music Videos
I was recently given a copy of At Midnight, I Take Your Soul. I haven't watched it yet but am looking forward to it.
I'd bump it up in the to-watch pile if I were you. *hint hint*
I've seen both At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul and This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse - both very solid, though I have to admit, I didn't care too much for how the second film ended. I've also seen Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures, which I thought was really interesting, and I dare say I even liked it a bit. Awakening of the Beast was okay, but a bit out there for me liking. Lastly, last October I saw Finis Hominis - I don't blame Coffin Joe, but I hated that film so much. True, I need to re-watch it, but boy, did that film take some will power to get through. Many thanks for compiling this list. - Michael (Beyond the Darkened Door horror reviews)
And one more comment - I know Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures under this foreign title: Fracasso de Um Homem nas Duas Noitas de Núpcias (1975), yet you link to another film A Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres (1976) - have I been mislabeled the film I saw for years now? Hope you are doing well.
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