Monday, May 25

Red Box? Fuck That: Fotomat Drive Thru Movies Presents DEATH WISH

Just finished revisiting the Winner/Bronson classic, Death Wish, on a heavily abused tape relishing every minute. This revenge template's greatest strengths being the unflinching depiction of brutality and taming the nitro-injected stoic badass that is Bronson down to an unassuming portrayal of a reasoned everyman. Bronson thin mustache's a career-defining performance that in hindsight became a plague upon the actor throughout the rest of his professional life.

That doesn't diminish this achievement from being forever iconic within its genre and a magnificent double feature with Dirty Harry. Is that enough platitudes for ya? We even learn before Jeff Goldblum became a shotgun-swallowin' insect and expounded existential with T-Rexs that he enjoyed killing "rich cunts." Also, I must state this, fuck The Brave One.

I never knew Fotomat rented tapes out (even features a Fotomat opening intro) and this is one of those tapes that's a golden representation of a particular work. The picture quality is perfect for the tone, being just gritty enough, muddy, and flush with color to make you feel like a fly on Kersey's shoulder. It's hard to describe, but I can't see getting this sticky seat, dank dollar theater experience on DVD. I don't even have the box and found it in a dumpster years ago. Awesome. I wish Fotomat was still around so I could return it by way of walking through the bad part of town and coldly kill a scum motherfucker. Okay, maybe not...


Johnny said...


Mike said...

Fotomat... Wow, talking about old. I never realized they rented movies.

BTW, this is "Mike." from Film-Talk.

dethmetldon said...

Bronson thin mustache's a career-defining performance....
hilarious j.k....
i gotta give it to have a way with words bro.. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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