The eBay feeding frenzy off Michael Jackson's still fresh corpse is in full swing and I came across this million dollar auction for a Making Michael Jackson's Thriller VHS. I'm planning on buying it and the domain name since I'm out spending the big bucks anyway.
The nerve and complete stupidity of these sellers...
Actually that was me joking with my Beta copy since there's a million buck VHS on just called me an asshole!
Haha. It's cool.
Though yea, looking through the "highest first" listings under "Michael Jackson" is delirious. Just think 98.9% of this stuff wasn't worth much of anything before "it" happened...
The only one who could top this is Abe Vigoda...
outside my job less than 24 hrs after he was pronounced dead guys were selling promotional tshirts and posters of MJ. $20 a pop. sad thing was people were buying them.
bunch of money grubbing ghouls if you ask me.
ps- let's not wih death on Abe Vigoda. 85 years old and still kicking it.
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