Here's one of the rarer editions of these two films I found today amongst a box stuffed with loose rap CDs at a swap meet. Of course, NOLD and Dementia 13 have for better-or-worse long slipped into public domain, so copies will survive global nuclear holocaust, but this double feature VHS set from 1984 is quite scare like any of K-Tel's obscure tapes. Their only other video release I know of is Antonio Margheriti's Mr. Superinvisible. I've only seen this set one other time on eBay in better shape going for around forty bucks.

Both tapes are recorded in SP mode and watching NOLD right now I'm surprised how good it looks. The restored DVDs from Elite and Weinstein Co. naturally take it to task, but the presentation is miles ahead of the bottomless pit of hellishly awful EP-sourced cheapies on tape and disc being very stable and mostly free of print damage. I find myself watching it instead of typing. The case is massive resembling a double-decker soft clamshell case. It was terribly dirty and after cleaning the entire rag was literally black. Also worst of all there was a "Horror" and big price sticker on the cover! Too bad about the top damage, but it has character and the cool unsigned artwork is clean.

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