Sunday, September 27

A Few Sunday Entrails

Unsure why I'm even mentioning this since I intensely disliked the film, but Midnight Movie will be arriving to Blu-ray on October 13th. Though check your Wal Mart(s) if really interested; I found my location had a stack of copies in their New Blu-ray Releases section this morning for $10 a pop sitting with a few of Anchor Bay's horror BDs for the same price.

In other BD news, Blue Underground has announced Cameron Mitchell's 1978 formal headshot to his acting career, The Toolbox Murders, will be coming on January 10th, 2010.

Here's two awesome Mexican tapes I was outbid for on eBay last week, Cemetery of Terror and Satanico Pandemonium. Aren't they just dreamy?

This weekend's swap meet was a bust for movies, but I did manage to find a couple metal cassettes. Disregard the green demon. He tries to get into all my shots.

1 comment:

Drunketh said...

Satanico Pandemonium 4 Lyfe!1

Saw Midnight Movie Blu at WalMart also for 10$... almost got it, but meh. Oh, and Toolbox Murders WILL be mine. Oh yes. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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