Friday, August 14

The Greatest Music Video Featuring Schwarzenegger Acting Like A Dumbass

AC/DC's Big Gun clip from '93. Following their comeback success with The Razors Edge, the band penned this track for Last Action Hero, even after being gunshy about soundtracks after the disastrous (hilarious) Maximum Overdrive. Lightening struck twice with the cinematic bombs, but this most definitely the band's hardest track ever laid down. Yes, I'm one of those who have no musical taste and have heard every AC/DC song ever recorded...repeatedly. Bonus points for Arnold in the biggest schoolboy outfit ever fashioned airhumping his SG whilst slaughtering Chuck Berry's (and Angus Young's) famous duckwalk and Johnson pronouncing "playing" as "RRRHHAAAAAAYYYYINGGGG" . BTW, the band should have never kicked Chris Slade to the curb...

Bask in the awkward glory.

1 comment:

wiec? said...

i remember when this was on MTY back when they used to show videos and not shows about P Diddy's crib and shows about spoiled 16 yr old girls bday patries. that said while Anold did look a bit goofy what the hell was Angus doing playing that close to Johnson's well...johnson.


by the by AC/DC has their place. Who Made Who was a great record. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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