Sunday, February 15

Redneck Zombies - Director's Cut (1987)

Directed by Pericles Lewnes
98 Minutes / Troma DVD / Unmatted Full Frame

Some of Maryland's finest backwoods hillbillies decide brew up a batch of toxic mash from a radioactive still in a barrel that's lost military property. Nearby a group of campers set up for the night. As the sun sets, the hicks are sampling as one of them is sent to make routine, albeit deadly, jar drop-offs to unwitting townsfolk. At dawn, campers begin being ripped asunder by the now ragin' gore-drenched hillbillies. Upon the gruesome discovery, the remaining group must fed off an ever-expanding angry undead horde. Only deodorant can save them now...

This isn't my first viewing and I must say, I still love this grotty slice of stupid. When you aren't laughing at the gags; you're be laughing at how pathetic the attempts are. Lewnes keeps a tight ship and one very seldomly find themselves yawning. The gore is low rent, but wonderfully generous and delivered with aplomb.

The cast, even those in very minor roles, get into the spirit of things perfectly...well, except for one. Lisa M. DeHaven defines "far, far too serious given the context" hilariously. The film elevates to a new level hearing her spout off incredibly impassioned lines while everyone's in flannel and hightops trying to avoid corn flake-faced extras. I like to believe the makers gave her top billing just as extra incentive for her to bust out all the stops. Either way, she takes the ball in what's a backyard game of catch and celebrates like she's won the Super Bowl in double overtime. Glorious.

This is what all gooey non-existent budget horror comedies should aspire towards. Grab it and ponder why the hell you're laughing so hard.

Film: 9/10 (you heard me)
DVD Picture: 9/10 (it's like the best VHS transfer you'll ever see)
DVD Sound: 8/10

1 comment:

urbn said...

Thanks for the idea on the movie. I've been working on and off on a zombie browser based game and have been searching for redneck zombie ideas for the game. Since the majority of the population that survives is southern obese rednecks this movie might help out with some pretty fantastic ideas.

I'll have to search out a torrent / stream for this since I'm guessing no video store in town will have it. you dare tread upon the staircase?

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